Come celebrate all things Imaginative Fiction with us for our first con of the year! From Fantasy to Science Fiction to everything in between, register now to attend the amazing con that is Farpoint! Art Way Alliance will be there with multiple artists and the following panels:
5:00 PM - 6:00PM
*How to Draw a Sci-Fi Villain with Tyrone Barnes
Enter with a good idea and leave with an dark character. Tyrone Barnes teaches participants how to create dynamic Sci-Fi Villain characters. This interactive workshop will walk you through the research, sketch, and final stages of character design.
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
*Draw Dr. Who Characters with Keir Lyes
You know Who, but do you know how to draw your favorite Drs. and their companions? Come learn how to draw everyone and everything from the Dr. Who universe with Art Way Alliance artist Keir Lyles. From the first doctor to Daleks to the TARDIS itself, you don’t want to miss out on how to depict your favorite incarnation. If time permits, maybe Keir can teach you how to depict yourself as a Time Lord.
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
*Color Theory and Cosplay with Kurenai Kiba
Cosplay is an artform so treat it like artwork! Come discover and discuss basic color theory and the right color choices for your cosplay. From enhancing your makeup to finding that right pop of color of fabric, learn how to pull from the source of the character and make interesting decisions on your cosplay adaptation. Finally, participate in a group discussion at the end of the panel that will help you with future projects to make your 2D character a 3D reality.
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
*How to Draw Anime with Darren Soto
Darren Soto will teach participants how to draw create a Sci-Fi themed anime character. Using common shows as references, this workshop will break down the key style and characteristics of the genre. Come learn how to utilize these aspects of the art in your work. You might even create your own original, character. All ages and skill levels welcome.
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
*Getting Started in Comics with Jordan Clark
Creating comics can be hard. Come and learn a few tricks to make getting started easier. From getting all your ideas organized to where to print and publish your stuff, don't miss out on these tips from Jordan Clark.
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
*Inking Fan Art with Paolo Galang
Using your favorite characters for reference, come learn the basics of inking with Paolo Galang!