We hope you had a fun and safe Independence Day this weekend. May your fireworks be bright and your hot dogs be grilled to perfection.
It's already been a great summer for AWA, and we still have two months to go! In celebration of recent partnerships (including Geppi's) and our love of books, we are marking July as a month of reading. To make good comics, you must read good comics. Therefore, we will provide you with a list of age appropriate, imaginative, diverse comic books to immerse yourselves in during summer vacation.
We've already highlighted some great comic books on our blog, and we can't wait to tell you more, but most importantly, we want to hear from you! What are your favorite comics and graphic novels?
Facebook, tweet, or even email us your suggestions. You might see your recommendations in our posts!
In addition, AWA will teach Reading and Writing Comics, a one day class in partnership with Reading Camp Maryland at the Saint Nicholas Lutheran Church in Huntingtown, MD, on July 14. Reading Camp Maryland's week long camp (July 14-18) teaches struggling and at-risk children in grades 2 - 4 how to develop a love of reading. For this year's theme, "Mighty Reading Avengers," children discover both real and fictional heroes through diverse books and talks from brave police officers and firefighters.
Art Way Alliance will teach the children how to read, write, and eventually create a comic book of their own. We can't wait.
If you or someone you know would like to host a similar class, please contact us via email for more information.