Artist Appreciation Month
The best way to follow up our Month of Reading in July is with Artist Appreciation Month! We didn't make this up, by the way. Artist Appreciation Month is real.
AWA would be remiss if we didn't celebrate the people who bring creativity and color to everyday life. The artists we partner with have been the inspiration and backbone of our non-profit. These fun, amazing people take time out of their busy lives to teach children how to make comics on a regular basis. They deserve all the accolades, and we thank them from the bottom of our hearts.
So how can YOU celebrate Artist Appreciation Month?
Artist Josiah Robertson -
1. Go see it! The best way to appreciate an artist is to look at their work. There are a lot of galleries and museums in the DC area, some of which are free!
2. Follow the artists! If you can't get out to the galleries, why not follow some contemporary artists and see what they're up to? If you're into comic book art, why not peruse our Artist Highlight tag? You'll like what you see!
3. Become one yourself! Anyone can become an artist, and if you have the urge to create, now is the best time to get started. It all starts with one line. AWA can even help you get started with our own classes and workshops. Just keep in touch on Facebook, Twitter, or sign up for our newsletter to find out where we'll be next.
Do you have any other ideas for Artist Appreciation Month? Sound off below!