Student Highlight! D'mario Anderson
We are proud to highlight one of our students, D'mario Anderson, who has started a GoFundMe campaign so that he can publish his own comic book!
D'mario Anderson is a 13 year old Comic Artist who strives for more knowledge in the art, comic, and writing world! He is currently creating a graphic novel called Sticker Adventures, about Happily and his friends who, after entering a scientist's lab that was off limits, somehow spilled acidic chemicals on the scientist's face. To get his revenge, the scientist plots different things that change each and every person's life. After the team has been affected, they then embark on a long journey to try to find the scientist and then get their revenge! Doesn't this story sound cool?! D'mario has done this all by himself at a young age. However, since he is living with a single parent, he can not afford to publish his book on his own, so he needs your help! Check out some of the amazing work he has done below:
Please go and support his campaign by going to! We're so proud of D'Mario and the initiative he is taking to make his dreams come true!