Animation Classes at Enoch Pratt Library
Jimmy Horner (standing, left) and Jake Heagy (standing, right) instruct children on how to create their own moving cartoon during Southern Maryland Comic-con.
Barring an anticipated snow storm, January 23rd marks the beginning of Animation Classes at the Enoch Pratt's Southeast Anchor Library in Baltimore, MD. We sat down with Instructors Jake Heagy and Jimmy Horner to discuss what teaching and working with Art Way Alliance.
AWA: What are you most excited to teach the kids?
Jake: I am most excited to teach the kids our flip book lesson [where kids learn the basics of animation by creating their own flip book with post-its]. As a teacher, its so rewarding getting to see how your students use what they’ve learned to actually create something and the flipbook lesson is great for that.
Jimmy: I really love teaching the 12 principles of animation. It demystifies animation and makes it more accessible.
AWA: What do you feel you both bring to the table in terms of instruction?
Jimmy: Jake tells me I have a childlike enthusiasm for animation. I think that is pretty true. I think I bring in students through the passion I get them excited because I am excited.
Jake: The way Jimmy puts it is that I am the social realist. I am the personal one that tells it how it is and treats the kids like adults. Jimmy becomes a kid again while teaching which helps to draw them in, and I keep them invested by treating them with maturity and respect.
Jake Heagy helping a student during Star Wars Days.
Jimmy instruction a student during Star Wars Days events.
AWA: How would you describe the classes?
Jake: The classes will be broken down so that each day we will be starting and finishing a new subject. That way if a student misses a day, they will not be behind.
Jimmy: The classes will be broken down to focus on different focuses, such as the 12 Principals of Animation.
(Students concentrate on one animation subject each class, and will discuss or create a project that highlights the principals or elements that they just learned for the day.)
AWA: What has been your favorite memory as an artist for AWA?
Jimmy: Teaching the Animation Merit Badge with the Boy Scouts on Star Wars Days - I was an Eagle Scout and helping boy scouts work towards that goal helps me to feel like I am giving back.
Jake: So far, I have to say that my favorite memory as an artist for AWA was having a table at Hagerstown’s Comic Con. It was the first convention that I attended were I had art pieces to sell, and they did. I felt like such a great accomplishment.
Go like Jake and Jimmy on their respective Facebook pages - Art Heagy and Jimmy Horner Comics.