Anne Arundel County Public Library Comic Con
"That's genius!"
That was what someone called out as Darren Soto taught the Intro to Comic Book Creation Workshop. Together, the group created a comic book script and page where a burglar and his partner break into a bank. Everyone was impressed with the original work they were able to produce by following along with Darren's instructions. Barely an hour into this con, and we already had a packed class.
A student shows Darren Soto her work.
A participant follows along with Darren Soto's instruction.
The first annual Anne Arundel County Public Library Comic Con was a great success for Art Way Alliance. The entire day was full of people expressing their interest in our classes, receiving invaluable tips from artists like Darren Soto and Keir Lyles, and of course, learning the craft of comic books. We were incredibly impressed not only by the talent, but also the diligence of those who came to our area. Whether it was inking, coloring, or creating original characters we saw people of all ages putting a lot of effort and pride into their work.
Keir Lyles's Character Design class was just as full as Darren's, and kids loved making a character from the 6 descriptions provided. Focusing on originality, branding, and just having fun, Keir allowed kids to show off their work and made sure to highlight the successful elements of each drawing.
Students design their own character from six sets of descriptions.
Keir Lyles showing drawing techniques.
We were impressed to see people still coming in at 2:45 - the con was over at 3:00 PM - to hear us talk and draw. Even more impressive was the amount of people ready to draw with their own materials and sketchbooks. They were excited to receive any help that would push their art toward something greater. The day was simply amazing!
There was a Cosplay Parade, guys! Check it out below.
Thank you to everyone who came out and made this con a success! And thank you to Odenton Library for having us! We can't wait to do it again!