Rose City Comic Con 2021 Recap
Our first Comic Con on the west coast, and we had a great time!
At Rose City Comic Con, we brought out our tried and true contests and accompanying workshops. Here are some highlights, below.
With a range of panels from Pokemon Go & Draw with Kurenai Kiba and to World Development with Kaiser Studio, AWA provided fun activities and lasting information to the participants of Rose City Comic Con. Kids enjoyed learning new tricks to improve their art - some of which they used in the daily convention contests. “Rose City allowed a very personal and almost one on one panel expierence,” said Bryan Tillman of Kaiser Studios. “It was great being able to make the lecture cater to the people who were there, and one of the best things is to see what you said during your panel being used to win in some of the contests that AWA was having.”
The contestants presented some amazing submissions at Rose City! We were amazing at the quality of work, especially considering the 30 minute timeframe allotted to create their drawings. “Seeing all the amazing illustrations during the contests, and seeing the earnest and humbled faces of the winners [was a highlight],” said Middnite Designs artist Anna Richardson. “They all mentioned being avid artists, and I hope by encouraging them, they continue pursuing a career in the arts.”
Artist Drawings
Artists and con goers alike loved when artists came to provide free drawings at our booth. “One of my favorite things was meeting the wonderful artists that did the free sketches for kids,” said Ben Pereira. When provided the opportunity, the kids tried their best to stump the artists. But the art more than spoke for itself!
Thank you to Rose City Comic Con for having us. It was genuinely a great experience. And thank you to our dedicated artists for going cross country to facilitate the workshops and contests for us: Kurenai Kiba, Middnite Designs, Ben Pereira, Kaiser Studio, and The.Soto.