AWA and our crew are happy to announce that we'll be at Southern Maryland Comic Con! Stop by and see us! Tickets are on sale and $10.00! We are offering the following workshops:
11:30 am -12:30 pm
Drawing Chibis with Tyrone Barnes
Chibi is a style formed from Japanese anime and manga, the word itself means "small child". This is fitting for a style that exaggerates features like head size and shape, height, and eye size. In this class students will learn to transform a character into a Chibi! We will explore different styles of Chibi as well as pinpointing key features to capture the identity and attitude of a character.
1:00 pm-2:00 pm
Drawing Cartoons Animals
Participants will learn from Keir Lyles how to draw animals from cute and cuddly to action style characters.
2:30 pm-3:30 pm
Inking Fan Art
Using your favorite characters as a basis, come learn the basics of inking with Paolo Galang!