Come find us in the Charm City Comic Pavilion of the Baltimore Book Festival! This will be our third year at the book festival and it's sure to be our biggest! We'll have great artists throughout the weekend showing and selling some of their work! In addition, we'll have the following workshops and panels throughout the weekend:
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Be Your Own Superhero with C. Edward Sellner
We may not live in a world where people fly or lift cars, but we can all discover our own super-powers and be a real super-hero! Join a fun workshop and learn about the great heroes and heroines of comics who are more popular today than ever! Learn what it takes to be a real super-hero, and design your own superhero look! This is an active and artistic workshop for children and youth ages 6 and up.
1:30pm – 2:30pm
Pokemon Go & Draw
Join AWA Artists as they show you how to draw some of your favorite Pokemon characters. From the original 151 to the new Sun & Moon starters, these artists know them all. Participants may even help to create their own creatures! Bring your Pokedex and creativity!
3:00pm – 4:00pm
Drawing Chibi with Tyrone Barnes
Chibi is a style formed from Japanese anime and manga, the word itself means "small child". This is fitting for a style that exaggerates features like head size and shape, height, and eye size. In this class students will learn to transform a character into a Chibi! We will explore different styles of Chibi as well as pinpointing key features to capture the identity and attitude of a character.
1:30pm – 2:30pm
The Culture Of Comics with Nick Allen and Troy-Jeffrey Allen
“The comic book industry is dying!' "Comic books are a failing medium!" Yeah, yeah, yeah! We've heard it all before. But why would you want to kill an entire culture? Join FIGHT OF THE CENTURY writers Nick Allen and Troy-Jeffrey Allen as they reintroduce you to the umbrella that is "comics" and the myriad of subcultures responsible for its rich past, expanding present, and undeniable future.
4:30pm – 5:00pm
The Diversity in Children’s Comic Panel Discussion will Bill Campbell
Participants will have the opportunity to hear from Rosarium Publishing Founder Bill Campbell where they include and embrace diversity within the books they publish. This discussion will cover topics like the need for children to see themselves represented in the pages of books and how to accurately portray different populations.
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Getting Started in Comics with Jordan Clark
Starting out in comics can be hard, so come out and learn Jordan Clark a few tricks to make getting started easier. From getting all your ideas organized to where to print and publish your stuff, don't miss out on these tips.
1:30pm – 2:30pm
How to Draw Anime with Darren Soto
Darren Soto will teach participants how to create anime characters and designs. Using common anime shows as reference, this workshop breaks down what makes an anime an anime and how to utilize certain aspects of the art in your own work.
3:00pm – 4:00pm
My Comic Life: Building a Comics Career with C. Edward Sellner
Visionary Co-Founder and CCO C. Edward Sellner has carved a unique career in the comics industry. He has built a highly successful production studio that is one of the best known in the business. He has been paid professionally and published as an editor, writer, colorist, and artist. He has worked with top professionals and helped several aspiring ones launch their own careers. Join him for a frank and honest conversation about building a career in comics, what it really takes to make it as a creative freelancer. (Pro Development/ Teens and Adults)
4:30pm – 5:30pm
Building The Legacy of Kenzon with Michael Roberson
Sit back as children's author Michael Roberson takes you from the dream that inspired him to write to the process of building The Legacy of Kenzon. This book has an in depth meaning that will not only educate but be a tool to help youth get thru hard times. The Legacy of Kenzo was built to remind children to embrace their creativity, and to never be afraid to be who they are.
We can't wait to see you there! Thank you to everyone for helping this come together!