As of March 3, 2020, this event has been postponed out of caution due to the Coronavirus update. We will update you as more information develops.
Come join us for fun and excitement at Annapolis Comic Con! We’re hosting great programming taught by our even greater instructions. Check out our offered workshops, below.
Drawing Anime Fan Art with The.Soto
10:30am – 11:30pm
Want to draw your own Midoriya and Bakugo or Tanjiro and Nezuko? Join artist Darren Soto as he explains how to draw your favorite anime characters. This workshop will give you the techniques needed to incorporate aspects of the anime artform into your own work. If time permits, participants will get to put their newfound knowledge to paper and draw their own fan art.
Shaping Your Character with Jordan Purnell Jackson
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Shapes are an important part of character design. They create a distinct silhouette that helps us identify the most iconic characters. In this workshop, we will use shapes and silhouettes to build your own character and develop their origin story.
Drawing Women of Wonder with Middnite Designs
1:30pm – 2:30pm
Come draw an original female character in three stages of life with artist Anna Richardson (Middnite Designs). From a precocious young girl to a capable woman to a spritely woman of power, learn how to use different shapes to design the same character in new ways.
Costume/Cosplay Contest
That’s right - we’re hosting the Costume Contest with Kurenai Kiba and the young cosplayer Violette Verse. Join us for fun, creativity, and of course prizes from Third Eye Comics. Then, after the Cosplay Contest, stay around the very relevant panel…
How to Design & Craft Your Cosplay with Kurenai Kiba
3:00pm – 4:00pm
Struggling with how to layout your designs? Not sure what materials you need to get started? Pull up a chair and spend some time with Cosplay Crafter Kurenai Kiba as she helps you conceptualize next steps. She will also share some of her design experiences and discuss the good old days when Cosplayers had to email each other or use aim chat groups for cosplay tips.
Artists Attending
Jordan P Jackson
Darren Soto
Anna Richardson (Middnite Designs)
Kurenai Kiba
Robert Spencer (Bobbylexx)